Tucker (& nicknames)

The creative permutations of our fourth family member's, our chihuahua's name

Tucker (& nicknames)
Waiting on mommy to get home

Tuck driver

Heart atTuck

Java the Tuck

This is me as a puppy in 2020

So, our Chihuahua, Tucker, is our little furry baby. As my son has gotten older, it has been a blessing to have a 2nd little 10 pound, I-always-wanna-be-giving-or-receiving-affection, little friend, like awesome dogs do. He's a great family member & is actually one of the only sources of friction in our household - that I was the one who wanted, & had to convince my wife it was something we could, & should, do. I had to say the pre-pet code recital that all teenagers are familiar with - I will walk him & take him out & feed him & bathe him & love him... & then as common, the other party, in this case my wife, ending up falling in love with him too, (& my son, obviously) &, as such, we compete for his time & affection, & because of my role in our household, to earn the money, I am out of the house to work & it has negatively affected my time with him & his desire to be around me. I will say that, in fairness, my wife, & son have been pretty good about intentionally giving me time with him & now that I'm on short term leave from my job, I've been around more & our relationship is healing, but from my perspective, Tucker spends about 40% of awake time with me, up from about 20%, so that's better (& an estimate) but we still have disagreements over who has him more & whether it is fair or not. But, at any rate, he is a really good dog; really smart, really affectionate & possessive of whoever is holding him & is not shy t let you know you're pissing him off & if you don't stop, he might give you a nip! He is featured in many of our videos, & our TikTok's & has gotten more views than any other single topic!

These nicknames are written on many lists scattered around my ADD brain & similarly, our home, so they will get added as they are either created, or located. ADD & mental health will be a major topic of concentration on here, as well as videos.

tic Tuk toe - Tuk tac toe - tic tac Tuck

it's your Tucky day

Tucky number 4

me again, brand new in 2020

rubber Tucky

Tuck stop

Tuck Tuck goose


So I've been on leave, of a medical variety, at my job because of a medical issue, & on a reduced salary, but told not to cone in for an extended period now. It's allowed me, to among other things, spend more time with this adorable dog, & train him up some. My wife has been mostly gracious in allowing him to kinda favor me for awhile (which is amazing) to even out this previously lopsided relationship, & that's good, because I love this dog!